Monday, 17 February 2014

Announcement of employment opportunity

Promotion officer - Environmental technology The Embassy is seeking an experienced candidate to promote Swedish environmental technology for temporary employment Deadline for applications 24 February 2014
  • Independently carry out promotion work regarding Swedish environmental technology in relation to Indonesian state and local authorities as well as other potential clients and partners.
  • Key role in setting up and managing the Indonesia Sweden Infrastructure Partnership and in contacts with Indonesia-Sweden Institute for Renewable Energy Solutions (InSIStS)
  • Identifying potential environmental projects in urban areas
  • Assist in the Innovative Sweden Exhibition
  • Assist Promotion Team in promotion work
  • University degree required
  • Computer proficient and well versed in advanced Microsoft office applications, including excel and word
  • Excellent spoken and written English as well Bahasa or Swedish;
  • Previous experience from promotion work in an
    international organization, company, government office or Embassy;
  • Knowledge about and previous experience with working with promoting Sweden and environmental technology
  • Knowledge about the Swedish environmental technology sector, its key players and companies
  • Previous experience with working together with Indonesian and Swedish state and local authorities or similar experience
  • The position is a temporary full-time employment until the end of 2014.
  • 6 weeks probation period.
  • Start as soon as possible.
  • In accordance with the Swedish Foreign Service salary system for locally employed staff.
Applications, together with a CV, recommendations to be submitted by the latest the 24 February 2014 via email: quoting “Promotion officer”.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.


Novruz - International Youth Festival 2014

Dear all,

We are happy to announce that the applications for the Novruz - International Youth Festival 2014 are open! The event will take place from March 19th until March 25th 2014 (March 19th will be arrival day and March 25th will be departure day).

Deadline: 2 March 2014
Open to: people aged 18-35
Venue: 19-25 March 2014 (arrival and departure days including), Baku, Azerbaijan
Participation fee: 50 EUR
Travel cost will be reimbursed 50% up to 500 euro ( after giving original invoice and boarding pass)

AEGEE–Bakı |

Ministry of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan Republic |

Novruz is the most favorable Holiday in Azerbaijan which is dedicated to the early spring. INFA (Novruz – International Youth Festival in Azerbaijan) is the annual celebration of Novruz with the 25 guests from all around the world. And now this is Your chance to enjoy this holiday with us.
This project will give you a unique chance to experience different parts of NOVRUZ holiday, such as jumping over bonfires and running through the streets, banging on pots and pans with spoons and knocking on doors with your hats and bags to ask for little presents (sweets and candies) and tasting national cookeries, such as shekerbura, pakhlava, goghal that you have never had before! Another essential part of this festival is a chance to visit the capital of Azerbaijan Baku – the city of centuries

You can apply by following link below:

Working language is English.

Open to
This event aims to bring together 25 motivated participants between the age of 18-35 who are interested in culture and ancient traditions.

These costs will be covered:
• Accommodation and food throughout the whole week
• Local transportation
• Travel cost will be reimbursed 50% up to 500 euro ( after giving original invoice and boarding pass)
After writing application, please send scan of passport to e-mail:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail:

Looking forward to seeing you in Baku!

Contacts: (+99450) 717 06 11
(+99455) 4974169
+99412 4921543

Thursday, 6 February 2014

2014 KGSP-Graduate Programs

Korean goverment invites 10 Indonesian students who wish to pursue a Graduate Programs in Korea. 
To be selected as a KGSP grantee, applicant should successfully pass
through the Korean embassy to Jakarta and have to submit the documents until 7 March 2014.
So to apply for the program, please contact the below-mentioned
Korean embassy’s number to get detailed information on the 1st  selection process such as application guidelines and required documents, etc.
For further information, please refer to the attached files.
Wish you all good luck!  
- Application deadline : 7 March 2014
- Contact No : 021-2967-2580, Fax : 021-2967-2581
- Website : 

Please go to this link to get the application guideline and application form

Lowongan Kedutaan Besar jepang Februari 2014

Staf Lokal untuk ditempatkan di Bagian Informasi dan Kebudayaan

Kedutaan Besar Jepang saat ini membuka lowongan kerja untuk staf lokal di bagian Informasi dan Kebudayaan yang dapat mulai bekerja pada tanggal 17 Maret 2014 (Senin).

1. Tugas
  (1) Melakukan tugas yang terkait web page dan facebook Kedutaan Besar Jepang
  (2) Melakukan tugas yang terkait dengan Bagian Informasi dan Kebudayaan
  (3) Melakukan tugas yang terkait press arrangement
2. Jumlah yang dibutuhkan  
  Satu (1) orang.
3. Persyaratan:  
  (1) WNI
  (2) Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
  (3) Pendidikan Minimal S-1 Semua Jurusan
  (4) Menguasai komputer (Word, Excel, Power Point)
  (5) Memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat dan mengelola web page (pengetahuan mengenai HTML/CSS/Java script diperlukan)
  (6) Memiliki kemampuan bahasa Jepang setingkat Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) Level 3 ke atas dan/ atau mempunyai kemampuan bahasa Inggris dengan minimal score 550 (TOEFL).
4. Dokumen yang harus dilampirkan:  
  (1) Riwayat Hidup (CV dalam bahasa Jepang atau bahasa Inggris)
  (2) Foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 3 x 4 cm sebanyak 2 (dua) lembar
  (3) Fotokopi ijasah terakhir, transkrip nilai dan KTP
  (4) Foto copy sertifikat kemampuan bahasa Jepang dan/atau Inggris
5. Lain-lain  
  Jam Kerja: Senin sampai Jumat, pukul 08:30-16:30 (jam istirahat : pukul 12 :30-13 :30. bersedia lembur dan masuk pada harilibur bila diperlukan)
Seluruh dokumen dapat dikirimkan atau diantar selambat-lambatnya pada tanggal 14 Februari 2014 (Selasa).
Cantumkan kode “INFO-CUL 1402” pada kiri atas amplop
(Apabila melalui pos, batas akhir pengirimannya tetap tanggal tersebut (Cap Pos) ke alamat berikut;:

Bagian Informasi dan Kebudayaan
Kedutaan Besar Jepang
Jl. M. H. Thamrin No. 24
Jakarta 10350

Bagi pelamar yang lulus seleksi dokumen akan diberitahukan hari dan waktu untuk wawancara sebelum tanggal 20 Februari 2014, pukul 16:00.
Semua dokumen lamaran yang telah kami terima tidak akan dikembalikan.

 official info from

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Training Application Page – PGLI 2014 (Macedonia)

PGLI 2014 (Skopje & Struga, 12-24 Aug 2014)
This August, Preparing Global Leaders Institute (PGLI) will hold its 3rd annual gathering on the premises of FON University in Struga and Skopje.
Organized by the Association for Global Development Initiatives – “Third Millennium” and in partnership with FON University, PGLI will welcome award – winning professors of an international repute to teach courses on the psychology of leadership, public speaking, political economy, diplomacy and foreign policy. Delegates will then be able to put their instruction into practice through exciting constitutional, diplomatic and business simulations that will foster important leadership skills and help prepare our delegates for real-world challenges.
Outside of the classroom, PGLI delegates will hear political dignitaries discuss their leadership experiences and have the opportunity to socialize with bright, young, motivated students and professionals from 30+ countries. Attendees will also benefit from immersion in the host country during an 10-day stay on the beautiful coast of the Lake of Ohrid, a UNESCO heritage site, and through recreational trips to Ohrid, St. Naum, and Bitola.
At the end of our program there will be a graduation ceremony held at the prestigious FON University in Skopje. Upon completion of the institutes our delegates will receive certificates from PGL and FON as future global leaders. So if YOU have what it takes to become a PGLI 2014 delegate please refer to the section bellow:


  1. Citizens of any country in the world are eligible to apply.
  2. Applicants born from 1980 onward are eligible to apply.
  3. All applicants must be either enrolled to a higher education institution or have already completed university level studies.
  4. Applications are welcome by young professionals provided that they have completed at least first cycle of university studies.

Application Form

A completed application form (please download form) is necessary to register for the Preparing Global Leaders Institute. A confirmation letter to all applicants will be sent by e-mail upon acceptance of the application. All applicants will additionally be informed by e-mail on the decision of PGLI admission board. This decision will be final and cannot be appealed upon delivery. Information and consent forms will be mailed in May and June. PGLI grants refunds only when a cancellation is received by July 12.


  • Application form
  • Passport photo (jPEG format)
  • CV (recommended)
  • Letter of Support (optional)
A completed application form with all support documents (optional documents are not required) should be sent to e-mail: with a subject title: PGLI 2014 Application Form. Please note that admission to the institute is made on a rolling basis, therefore, earlier applications will receive priority consideration. Should you have additional queries regarding the admission process or any other concerns related to PGLI 2014, do not hesitate to contact us via email:

Scholarships and Program Cost

Applicants may apply for scholarships given by PGLI. Scholarships are based on merit, civic involvement, and motivation. Should applicants wish to apply for a scholarship they should enclose a brief scholarship statement to their application.
Self-financed students pay the full cost of the program which is 1000 EUR (covering tuition fees, accommodation, full meal plan, special events, sport facilities, vocational trips, and transportation Struga-Skopje).
All participants are responsible for travel arrangements and associated insurance and VISA costs (if needed) to Macedonia.


Priority deadline is March 30, 2014. Applicants in need of scholarship support are urged to apply before the priority deadline. While scholarship support is available after the early deadline, it is allocated on a rolling basis and earlier applications are given priority.
Final deadline for Category A applicants is May 18, 2014. Category B entries will be received until June 22, 2014.

Official source:

Membuka Prodi Baru, Susah atau Mudah??

Untuk menghadapi persaingan global dan pasar bebas yang akan dilaksanakan pada tahun 2015, maka pendidikan di indonesia pun ditingkatkan kualitasnya baik dari sisi SDM nya ataupun sisi kualitasnya. Untuk meningkatkan mutu lulusan di indonesia, sebagian universitas membuka program studi baru, seperti pendidikan dokter, pendidikan profesi arsitek, pendidikan paud.
Sehubungan dengan dikeluarkannya undang undang terbaru dari DIKTI yakni sebuah prodi dikatakan sah apabila telah terakreditasi oleh BAN PT. Untuk mendapatkan kategori TERAKREDITASI membutuhkan waktu yang sangat panjang dan ada beberapa borang atau dokumen yang perlu diisi dan dipersiapkan oleh institusi pengusul prodi baru.
Ada 5 dokumen yang harus diisi dan dokumen tersebut dapat diperoleh di web resmi DIKTI yakni di
Borang pertama hingga borang ketiga berisi tentang ringkasan eksekutif yang kurang lebih isinya tentang studi kelayakan, prospek, dan korelasi prodi yang akan dibuka terhadap aspek lain.
Borang keempat berisi form - form dalam bentuk microsoft excel yang berjumlah 19 lembar kerja yang kurang lebih tentang aset yang dimiliki universitas dan fakultas, sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki, referensi yang ada, dan fasilitas yang akan diberikan. Lumayan pusing juga ngisinya :D
Borang kelima alias borang terakhir berisi tentang kelayakan juga,, mostly dalam bentuk deskripsi.. 
Untuk mempermudah, borang satu hingga borang empat diproses dahulu dan kemudian diupload di web resmi dikti. Setelah mendapat persetujuan dari DIKTI, baru diikuti dengan mengmpulkan borang terakhir.
Semoga catatan kecil ini bermanfaat dan akan segera saya susulkan setelah saya menyelesaikan borang empat y,,,
Mohon dukungannya semoga dimudahkan dalam pengurusannya..

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Mau Ke Korea Gratis? Beasiswa Korea Kembali Dibuka :D

Lagi - lagi diawal tahun banyak sekali pendaftaran beasiswa untuk studi lanjut banyak bertebaran, tinggal tergantung individunya mau berusaha atau tidak. Salah satu beasiswa yang dibuka adalah beasiswa dari Pemerintah Korea untuk jenjang S2 dan S3. Beasiswa ini lumayan bergengsi karena tidak hanya biaya hidup, namun juga biaya pendidikan, tiket pesawat, penelitian, dll. 
Yang tahun kemarin daftar belum lulus, coba lagi ya tahun ini karena kuota tahun ini lebih banyak dari pada tahun kemarin yakni 20 kursi.
Skema beasiswa ini sedikit berbeda dengan beasiswa lainnya yakni melalui jalur Kedutaan Besar yang ada di Negara masing-masing dan jalur kedua adalah melalui jalur rekomenasi universitas tujuan.
Beasiswa KGSP (Korean Government Scholarship Program) ini meliputi.
  1. Tiket Pesawat Kelas Ekonomi PP (untuk keberangkatan menuju Korea dan ketika menyelesaikan belajar di Korea menuju Indonesia)
  2. Uang saku sebesar 900,000 won tiap bulan.
  3. Uang Penelitian sebesar 210,000 won bagi yang dibidang sosial, 240,000 won bagi yang dibidang natural science
  4. Uang SPP hingga 5 juta won bahkan jika lebih dari 5 juta won akan di bayarkan oleh Pemerintah Korea.
  5. Uang untuk proses settlement awal saat tiba di Korea sebesar 200,000 won
  6. Biaya untuk belajar bahasa Korea disediakan secara penuh selama 1 tahun.
  7. Asuransi kesehatan sebesar 20,000 won per bulan (dengan coverage terbatas)
  8. Apabila penerima beasiswa berhasil memperoleh TOPIK level 5 akan mendapatkan tambahan uang saku sebesar 100,000 won setiap bulan
  9. Biaya cetak Thesis atau Disertasi 500,000-800,000 won (bergantung besaran biaya yang dikeluarkan)
Deadline  sekitar bulan maret 2014.
Kontak Kedutaan Besar Korea Selatan di Indonesia. 
Contact No : 021-2967-2580, Fax : 021-2967-2581 
Website :

Informasi dapat juga diperoleh di

Repost dari priatama(dot)net

Kembali Dibuka Beasiswa Luar Negeri Dikti 2014

Untuk meningkatkan kualitas SDM di Indonesia dalam dunia pendidikan, maka di tahun 2014 ini DIKTI kembali memberikan beasiswa kepada dosen tetap dan tenaga kependidikan tetap. Pendaftar dapat mendaftar secara online ke web beasiswa yakni di serta dapat mengunduh panduan pendaftaran di dan

Bagi pelamar BPP-LN  tahun 2013 yang belum lolos seleksi dan/atau pengumuman seleksinya dibatalkan karena diketahui pindah Perguruan Tinggi tempat studi tujuan, jangan berkecil hati dan dipersilahkan mencoba kembali sesuai dengan pedoman 2014.

Selamat mencoba dan semoga sukses :)