Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Peace Fellowship

Peace Fellowships

Are you looking to make a significant impact on the world by promoting tolerance and cooperation? Each year, Rotary funds some of the world’s most dedicated and brightest professionals to study at our Rotary Peace Centers. These fellows are committed to the advancement of peace, and often go on to serve as leaders in national governments, NGOs, the military, law enforcement, and international organizations such as the United Nations and World Bank.

What are Rotary Peace Fellowships?

Each year, Rotary selects individuals from around the world to receive fully funded academic fellowships at one of our peace centers. These fellowships cover tuition and fees, room and board, round-trip transportation, and all internship/field study expenses. Two types of peace fellowships are available.

Master's degree

We offer master’s degree fellowships at premier universities in fields related to peace and conflict resolution and prevention. Programs last 15­–24 months and require a practical internship of 2–3 months during the academic break. Each year we award up to 50 master’s fellowships from these institutions:

Professional development certificate

For those with more extensive experience in peace-related fields, we offer a 3-month program in peace and conflict resolution at in Bangkok, Thailand. This program incorporates 2–3 weeks of field study. We award up to 50 certificates each year.

Is a peace fellowship right for me?

We select fellows from around the world, based on their ability to have a significant, positive impact on the world. To be considered for a peace fellowship, we look for:
  • A strong commitment to international understanding and peace, demonstrated through professional and academic achievements and personal and community service
  • A bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience (at a minimum) with strong academic achievement
  • Relevant work experience:
    • For master’s degree—3 years paid or unpaid
    • For professional development certificate—5 years and current full-time employment in a mid- to upper-level position
  • Proficiency in English for both fellowship types and in a second language for master’s degree

What are the restrictions?

The following are not eligible for master’s degree fellowships. However, they may apply for the professional development program, but if selected, must pay for all costs associated with the program:
  • Active and honorary Rotarians
  • Employees of a Rotary club, Rotary district, Rotary International, or other Rotary entity
  • Spouses, lineal descendants (children or grandchildren by blood or legal adoption), spouses of lineal descendants, or ancestors (parents or grandparents by blood) of any living person in the categories above
  • Former Rotarians and their relatives as described above (within 36 months of resignation)
Additionally, fellows in the professional development program or participants in Rotary’s former Ambassadorial Scholarships program must wait at least three years before they can apply for the master’s degree fellowship.
Rotary Peace Fellows who have completed the master's degree program may not apply for the professional certificate program.

How can I apply?

To apply for a peace fellowship, , complete the applicant portion, and submit it to a or district for endorsement. The deadline for submitting applications to Rotary International is 1 July, while the deadline for submitting to a local club can vary (generally March–June).

More info:

Asia Europe Foundation Vacancy January 2014

Title : Communication Officer
Department: Public Affairs
Type of Position: Initial 1 year contract
Estimated Starting date: Immediate
Deadline of Application: 16 February 2014

Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)
The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) promotes understanding, strengthens relationships and facilitates cooperation among the people, institutions and organisations of Asia and Europe. ASEF enhances dialogue, enables exchanges and encourages collaboration across the thematic areas of culture, education, sustainable development, economy, public health, and governance. Founded in 1997, ASEF is a not-for-profit, intergovernmental organisation located in Singapore. It is the only permanently established institution of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM)1 Together with about 700 partner organisations, ASEF has run more than 600 projects, mainly conferences, seminars and workshops. Over 17,000 Asians and Europeans have participated in its activities and it has reached much wider audiences through its networks, web-portals, publications, exhibitions and lectures. For more information, please visit

Public Affairs Department
The Public Affairs Department (PA) multiplies knowledge about Asia-Europe co-operation by furthering awareness and understanding about ASEF, ASEM and key issues in Asia-Europe relations. Aimed at a diverse range of constituencies including stakeholders, the media and the general public, PA’s activities foster greater mutual understanding between Asia and Europe.
About the Position
The Public Affairs Department seeks to engage a motivated Admin/Communications Officer for a starting period of 1 year. She/He will assist in the promotion of ASEF to external parties by developing and maintaining a coherent public image through media-related programmes and outreach activities.
The successful candidate will be assigned the following duties and responsibilities:
1 The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) is an intergovernmental forum for dialogue and cooperation established in 1996 to deepen relations between Asia and Europe, which addresses political, economic and socio-cultural issues of common concern. The 51 ASEM Members are Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mongolia, Myanmar, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Singapore Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Viet Nam, the European Commission and the ASEAN Secretariat. For more information, please visit

1. Corporate Communications and Media
a) Create and execute publicity plans to improve the visibility of ASEF projects.
b) Create communication collaterals (media brief, press release, etc.) for distribution to media and other target audiences.
c) Liaise with media as the media contact.
d) Draft and create ASEF collaterals for public distribution (hand-outs, brochures, flyers, etc.).
e) Liaise with Project Officers of ASEF projects.
2. Online Communications
a) Assist the Deputy Director in the administration, content management and maintenance of ASEF website and online platforms.
b) To assist in the content management, content layout, and dissemination of the ASEF eNewsletter.
c) Multimedia content development.
3. Project Management and Event Planning
a) Executive and administer inter-department projects as assigned by the Director of Public Affairs.
b) Assist the Deputy Director in developing programmes and activities.
c) Assist in events planning and management of ASEF corporate events.
d) Execute other tasks as assigned b the Director of Public Affairs or Deputy Director, including maintaining and updating the documentation related to the department’s outputs.
Applicants should have the following profile:
1. Holding passports of ASEM countries.
2. Degree in a related field of study, preferably in communications, journalism or marketing.
3. Must possess excellent writing, organisational and communication skills.
4. Prior experience in website management, social media platforms and multimedia content creation.
5. Creativity to communicate through different channels.
6. Demonstrated ability to work in a team environment and ability to multitask.
7. The ability to form and maintain relationships through teamwork and networking.
8. Strong interpersonal skills, cultural awareness and the ability to effectively communicate with individuals from diverse professional and cultural backgrounds.

A successful candidate will be offered a monthly salary commensurate with the personal qualifications and experience. Other applicable benefits include medical benefits.
How to Apply
Applicants must submit the following documents:
1. Cover letter detailing the qualities/contributions that the applicant can bring to ASEF;
2. Curriculum vitae with the applicant's photograph and contact details highlighting past studies/work experiences related to the above job requirements;
An email application is preferred. Please indicate Ref: 1401PA01 in the subject of the email and direct the application to on or before 16 February 2014. For further information, visit As the organisation receives a large number of applications, we regret that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted via email.
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) I 31 Heng Mui Keng Terrace I Singapore 119595
T: +65 6874 9700 I F: +65 6872 1135 I E: I

Go to this link for official announcement

Beasiswa ke Amerika, Mau??

General Requirements:
  • Indonesian citizens. No dual citizenship.
  • U.S. government employee/USAID contractor staff or employee where salary is directly paid by U.S. government is ineligible to apply
  • Must have 10 (ten) years of employment prior to retirement upon completion of study
  • Evidence of English ability in the form of either ITP TOEFL® score of 450 or IBT TOEFL® score of 45 or IELTS score of 5.0
  • Hold a bachelor degree or equivalent, minimum GPA of 2.75 (scale 4.0)
  • Have a strong commitment to return to Indonesia promptly upon completion of study
  • Currently not receiving scholarship from other institution
  • No prior master degree or in the process of finishing graduate study.
  • Minimum two years working experience in the same field with the proposed of study
Following are documents to be submitted in your application package:
  • Completed and signed application form.
  • Certified undergraduate certificate and academic transcripts
  • Recent photographs (4 x 6, B/W or color)
  • Recent Curriculum Vitae (in English)
  • Copy of valid national ID Card (KTP or Passport)
  • Valid TOEFL® ITP or TOEFL® IBT or IELTS™ scores result
  • Original Reference Letters, in sealed envelopes
 Additional selection criteria for candidates to be considered are:
  • Proof of leadership capability
  • Demonstrated working experience in the field related to the proposed of study
  • Field relevant to the achievement of USAID/Indonesia and GOI development goals
  • Good academic and employment track record
Supporting documents (optional):
  • Copy of certificates and awards
  • Copy of article, journal, research, or cover page of your publication etc.
Please go to for application documents package.  

Beasiswa Lintas Budaya dari IFA 2014

Institut fur Auslandsbeziehungen (IFA) alias Institut untuk Hubungan Budaya Asing, Jerman, menyelenggarakan program CrossCulture Internships (CCP). Program ini merupakan wujud komitmen Jerman dalam dialog lintas budaya. CCP juga merupakan upaya penguatan hubungan antara Jerman dengan dunia Islam, melalui hubungan kerja sama dengan Kantor Urusan Asing Pemerintah Federal Jerman.

Sejak 2005, CCP menawarkan kesempatan kepada anak muda dan sukarelawan untuk memperluas kompetensi profesional dan politikal mereka. Melalui program ini pula, peserta dapat mendulang pengalaman internasional dengan tinggal di berbagai lingkungan budaya dan mencapai tujuan untuk memperkuat struktur masyarakat sosial.

Tahun lalu, CCP diikuti 53 peserta. Tahun ini, CCP menyediakan 20 tempat bagi para anak muda di seluruh dunia. Tema yang diusung tahun ini adalah "Islamic World".

Tertarik ikutan? Kirimkan aplikasimu dalam satu email berisikan dua file PDF, yakni berkas lamaran dan surat rekomendasi. Tujukan email tersebut ke alamat

Panitia menutup pendaftaran pada 29 Januari 2014. Sementara itu, CCP akan berlangsung selama delapan hingga 12 minggu pada pertengahan Mei 2014 hingga Maret 2015.

Simak informasi lengkap tentang CCP di laman

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Some Vocabularies for Architecture Students

Each field sometime has significant term for things inside and in this time, I want to share about vocabularies in Architecture.

• appliances = peralatan
air conditioner = pendingin ruangan
• attic = loteng
• awning = tenda rumah
• back door = pintu belakang
• baluster = pegangan tangga
• backyard = halaman belakang
• basement = ruangan bawah tanah
• beam = balok, tiang
• bedroom = kamar tidur
• blinds = kerai
• bunk bed = bangku tidur
• cellar = gudang bawah tanah
• chimney = cerobong asap
• column = kolom
• concrete = beton
• cornice = tembok hiasan bangunan
• counter = meja pajangan
• crib = tempat tidur bayi
• cupboard = lemari pakaian
• curtain rod = tongkat gorden
• curtains = gorden
• dish washer = pencuci piring
• doggie door = pintu masuk anjing
• doghouse = rumah anjing
• door = pintu
• door bell = bel pintu
• doorknob = gagang pintu
• door jamb = kosen pintu
• doorway = pintu keluar/masuk
• dormer = jendela atap
• downstairs = ruang bawah
• drain = drainase
• drapes = gorden, tirai
• dryer = pengering
• duct = pipa, saluran
• dustpan = pengki
• eaves = lis atap
• electrical outlet = stopkontak
• electrical system = sistem listrik
• entryway = jalan masuk
• family room = ruang keluarga
• fan = kipas angin
• faucet = keran
• fence = pagar
• fenced yard = pekarangan yang diberi pagar
• fireplace = perapian
• frame = bingkai
• front door = pintu depan
• front stoop = serambi depan
• furnace = tungku perapian
• fuse box = lemari sekering
• gable = nok atap
• garage = garasi
• garage door = pintu garasi
• garage door opener = pembuka pintu garasi
• garbage can = kaleng sampah
• garden = taman
• garden shed = gudang di taman
• girder = balok penopang
• greenhouse = rumah kaca
• gutters = got, selokan
• hallway = ruang masuk
• hamper = keranjang pakaian
• heater = alat pemanas
• hinge = engsel
• hose = selang
• house = rumah
• insulation = penyekatan
• jamb = kosen pintu
• ladder = tangga
• lawnmower = pemotong rumput
• light switch = saklar lampu
• linen closet = lemari sprei
• lintel = ambang pintu/jendela
• lock = gembok
• loft = loteng gudang
• lumber = kayu
• mailbox = tempat kotak surat
• mat = kesetan
• mirror = cermin
• mop = alat pengepel
• nook = sudut di ruangan
• nursery = kamar anak=anak
• overhang = serambi
• pantry = kamar kecil untuk menyimpan barang
• patio = serambi/emper terbuka belakang rumah
• picture = foto, lukisan
• picture frame = bingkai foto/lukisan
• plumbing = pipa ledeng
• porch = serambi, beranda
• portico = serambi dengan tiang-tiang
• quilt = selimut tidur
• rake = alat penggaruk
• roof = atap
• room = ruangan
• rug = karpet permadani
• sash = daun jendela
• screen door = pintu kasa
• shed = bangsal gudang
• shelf = rak
• shingle = sirap di atap
• shower = cucuran
• shutters = daun pentutup jendela
• siding = sepur simpang
• sill = bendul, ambang
• sink = back cuci piring
• skylight = kaca atap
• sliding glass door = pintu kaca geser
• steps = pijakan kaki
• staircase = tangga rumah
• stairs = tangga ruangan
• stairway = jalan tangga
• stoop = serambi depan
• storage shed = gudang/lumbung penyimpanan
• storm door = pintu luar
• trellis = tralis
• upstairs = lantai atas
• vent = ventilasi, lubang angin
• walkway = gang tempat berjalan
• waste basket = keranjang sampah
• water heater = pemanas air
• welcome mat = keset depan pintu
• window pane = kaca jendela
• window sill = ambang jendela
• wood stove = tungku kayu
• yard = pekarangan rumah


Wednesday, 22 January 2014

University of Birmingham comes to Indonesia February - March 2014

Alicia Morris, International Officer, from the International Office at the University of Birmingham will be travelling to Indonesia in early February and March to meet with students who are interested in coming to study in the UK.

We would like to invite you to meet with Alicia at the following events for a chance to find out about courses, entry requirements, funding/scholarships, accommodation, the city of Birmingham and student life at the University of Birmingham.

Saturday 8 February, 12.00–19.00 Register here to come to this event!
IBEC British Education Expo, InterContinental Hotel
One-to-one counselling all day
12.30–13.00 Introduction to Birmingham
13.00–14.00 ‘How to Improve Your IELTS or TOEFL’ by an academic from our Department of English
19.00–21.00 Alumni and networking dinner

Sunday 9 February, 12.00–19.00 Register here to come to this event!
IBEC British Education Expo, InterContinental Hotel
One-to-one counselling all day
16.00–17.00 ‘Studying Medicine and Health in the UK’ by an academic from our College of Medical and Dental Sciences

Saturday 15 February, 12.00–16.00 Register here to come to this event!
Hotel Majapahit Surabaya
12.00–13.00 ‘How to Improve Your IELTS or TOEFL’
by an academic from our Department of English
13.00–14.00 Introduction to Birmingham
14.00–15.00 ‘Studying Medicine and Health in the UK’ by an academic from our College of Medical and Dental Sciences
16.00–17.00 Alumni and networking dinner

Tuesday 4 March 13.45–19.00 Register here to come to this event!
British Council Exhibition, Hotel Bumi Surabaya
One-to-one counselling all day

Monday 10 February, 15.00–18.00 Register here to come to this event!
Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja
15:00–16:00 ‘How to Improve Your IELTS or TOEFL’ by an academic from our Department of English
16:00–17:00 Introduction to Birmingham
17:00–18:00 ‘Studying Medicine and Health in the UK’ by an academic from our College of Medical and Dental Sciences
18:00–20:00 Alumni and networking dinner

Sunday 2 March 13.00–18.00 Register here to come to this event!
British Council Exhibition, Hilton Bandung Hotel
One-to-one counselling all day

Make sure you register so that we can send you further information about these events and a reminder closer to the time.

This is an exciting opportunity to learn more about studying at one of the world's top universities and The Times UK University of the Year!

For further detail and how to register, please goes to this link

Banjir menjadi Tes Litmus untuk Jokowi

Written by Bagus BT Saragih, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Headlines | Wed, January 22 2014, 9:12 AM  
Translated by Sri Rejeki , Thrusday 23 January 2014, 11.52 am

Bencana banjir yang menerjang Ibukota Jakarta menjadi test lakmus untuk Gubernur Joko Widodo untuk menentukan sekali - menghalangi politisi dari Surakarta, Jawa Tengah pantas untuk dipilih menjadi presiden.
Analis mengatakan bencana, dan bahkan usaha untuk memberikan lumpur kepada Gubernur, biasa dikenal dengan Jokowi, untuk klaim kritiknya adalah kegagalannya untuk mencegah banjir, tidak sepenuhnya melukainya.

Dengan beberapa bagian kota tetap kebanjiran dan ribuah penduduk kehilangan tempat tinggal, saingan dari Partai PDI Perjuangan mengambil keuntungan dari krisis ini dan telah membesarkan serangan terhadapnya.

Sebagai contoh pendiri Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) dan kandidat presiden terdahulu, Amien Rais, meminta Jokowi untuk meminta maaf karena banjir yang parah.

Sementara mengakui bahwa tidak ada seorang pun menghapuskan banjir dari Jakarta dalam waktu yang dekat, Amien berkata bahwa tawaran untuk meminta maaf akan menjadi simpati untuk Jokowi.
Pengacara Ruhut Sitompul menerangkan bahwa Partai Demokrat yang berkuasa juga menuduh Jokowi gagal untuk memenuhi janji pemilunya.

"Orang Jakarta memilihnya karena janjinya untuk mengakhiri banjir dan kemacetan di Jakarta. Tapi yang kita lihat saat ini adalah mereka memburuk. Ok, kini kita semua tahu bahwa kualitas Jokowi yang sesungguhnya ," terang Amien Rais.

Serangan - serangan itu, terang analis, tidak akan mengacaukan elektabilitas Jokowi untuk sejumlah alasan.

"Pertama, banjir di Jakarta merupakan permasalahan lama dan itu telah menjadi permasalahan pusat sejak lama. Kedua, permasalahan tidak ekslusif untuk Jakarta. Banyak provinsi lain di Indonesia juga terkena bajir," terang Direktur Eksekutif Barometer Indonesia Muhammad Qodari pada hari selasa.

Permasalah yang juga menjadi pertanyaan adalah apakah Jokowi dilihat sedang melakukan hal yang benar untuk mengurangi bencana dan memenuhi kebutuhan dari korban bajir.

"Masyarakat di Jakarta sekarang sedang mengamati usaha Jokowi untuk mengurangi bencana, menangani korban dan mengambil langkah cepat untuk mengurangi banjir. Diwaktu yang bersamaan, kebijakan yang terdahulu dan usaha untuk mengantisipasi bajir, seperti renovasi bendungan dan normalisasi sungai, sekrang sedang dievaluasi," terang dia.

Direktur Eksekutif pol Tracking Hanta Yuda mengatakan bahwa kepekaan masyarakat terhadap Jokowi tidak akan terkena dampak negatif oleh kinerjanya dalam mengangani banjir ini. "Penelitian kita menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang akan memberikan dampak terbesar terhadap pendapat publik dari partai politik tertentu atau sosok adalah korupsi, bukan banjir."
Hanta mengakui bahwa media, memiliki peran yang signifikan dalam menggiring pendapat, akan menghasilkan laporan negatif tentang Jokowi. "Tapi itu tidak akan menjadi pengaruh yang besar, pemberitaan dalam jumlah besar yang positif  sejak dia menjadi gubernur setahun yang lalu," terangnya.
Politisi PDI P juga merespon dingin terhadap kritik tersebut.
"Jika Jokowi diserang menggunakan permasalah banjir, itu hanya akan membuatnya bekerja lebih keras," terang Politisi senior dari PDI P Hendrawan Supratikno.

Dia mengulangi bahwa bajir di Jakarta juga melibatkan banyak pihak, sebagian dari pemerintah pusat dan pemda sekitar, seperti banten dan Provinsi Jawa Barat.

Sebuah survei yang dilakukan oleh Harian Kompas menemukan bahwa elektabilitas Jokowi bertahan pada 43,5 % di bulan Desember, membuatnya menjadi kandidat presiden yang paling potensial. Di survei yang dilakukan bulan November, Pusat Studi Internasional dan Strategi menemukan bahwa pemilihan diadakan pada hari survei, Jokowi akan aman diskitar 34 % dari suara rakyat.

Jika media sosial akan digunakan untuk mengukur sentimen publik terhadap Jokowi, publik kelihatan akan semakin terpolarisasi dengan perdebatan sengit netizen terhadap jatuhnya Jokowi dan prestasinya dalam menangani banjir. Itu tinggal dilihat jika banjir dapat menjadi jalan tol untuk rating Jokowi.

Tidak ada pengumpul suara  yang telah melakukan survei terhadap elektabilitas Jokowi sejak banjir menerjang ibukota Jakarta, tapi Hanta dan Qodari mengakui itu mungkin menurunkan ratingnya cukup tajam.

Jokowi tetap menempati peringkat nomor 1 untuk survei kandidat yang paling potensial meskipun PDI P elum menunjuknya secara resmi untuk mewakili partai di pemilihan presiden. 

SekJenPDI-P Tjahjo Kumolo sebelumnya mengatakan serangan politik terhadap Jokowi dapat menjadi bahwa itu lebih baik untuk partai untuk menunda menominasikannya, sementara beberapa pengumpul suara mengatakan bahwa penominasian dini dapat meningkatkan elektabilitas PDI P pada pemilihan legislatif bulan April.PDI-P’s electability in the upcoming legislative election in April.