Rejeki, Sri. 2011. “A Contrastive Analysis between English and Javanese Kinship Terms”. Thesis. Yogyakarta: Ahmad Dahlan University.
This research, which entitled “A Contrastive Analysis between English and Javanese Kinship Terms”, is intended to describe the types and the reasons for using English and Javanese kinship terms and the similarities and differences between English and Javanese kinship terms in types and reasons for using it.
This is a descriptive qualitative research whereas it uses contrastive method. The object of the research is types and reasons of kinship terms which are in English language and Javanese language. In collecting data, the researcher uses metode cakap (interview method), metode simak (observation method) and introspection. Meanwhile in analyzing the data, the researcher employs descriptive qualitative and contrastive analysis, metode padan (identity method) and reflective introspection technique.
The result shows that there are five types of kinship term in English language; those are consanguineous, affinal, primary, secondary, and tertiary. Meanwhile, there are five types in Javanese kinship terms, namely consanguineous, affinal, primary, secondary, and tertiary. There are three reasons for using English kinship terms, namely sex, generation and lineage earlier. Bilateral, generational, seniority and sex are the reasons for using Javanese kinship terms. Based on the types of kinship terms, both of English and Javanese language have five types, namely consanguineous, affinal, primary, secondary and tertiary whereas those are the similarities in types. The differences of English and Javanese kinship terms in types are related to the amount of terms whereas Javanese language has more various terms for kinship terms than English language. There are two similar reasons for using kinship term in English and Javanese language, namely sex and generation. Meanwhile, the differences of reason for using kinship term in English and Javanese language are related to bilateral, seniority and lineage earlier.
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