Monday, 19 March 2012


Setiyani, Windi. 2011. “ A Contrastive Analysis Between Indonesian and English Derived Nouns”. Thesis.Yogyakarta : Ahmad Dahlan University.


     This research is entitled “A contrastive Analysis Between Indonesian and English Derived Nouns”. It is aimed at finding out the categories of the root of derived nouns in Indonesian and English, the kinds of affixes attached to derived nouns in Indonesian and English and the similarities and the differrences of derived nouns in Indonesian and English in Categories of the root and kinds of affixes.
    This research uses a descriptive and comparative qualitative method. The object of the this research is Indonesian and English derived nouns. The data of this research are taken from The Jakarta Post and Kompas newspaper, English and Indonesian dictionaries, and English and Indonesian morphology books. In collecting the data, the writer uses noting technique. In analyzing the data, the writer applies descriptive and comparative qualitative analysis technique.
      The result of the research shows that generally there are three categories of the root of derived nouns in Indonesian and English, they are verb, adjective and noun. In English, derived nouns can be created from verb using the affixes {-er, -or, -tion, -al, -sion, -ment, -ce(ance), -th, -y}; from adjective using the affixes {-ce, -ness, -ity, -dom}; from noun using the affixes {dis-, mal-, in-, non-, -ship, -hood}. Meanwhile in Indonesian, derived noun can be created from verbs using the affixes {pe-(pem, Peng)}, {-an}, {-wan}, {peng-an}, {ke-an}, {per-an} and {-el-}; from noun can be created using the affixes {per-an}, {pe-an}, {ke-an}, {-an}, {-em-}, {-er}, {-wan}, {-man}, {-isme} and {-isasi}; from adjective can be created using the affixes {ke-}, {-el-}, {ke-an}, {pe (pen(peng)-an}, and {-isasi}. In English, derived nouns can be formed with two affixes, they are prefix {dis-, mal-, in-, re-}; it is placed before nouns and suffix {-tion, -sion, - ure, -al, -ment, - ance , -th, -t, -ness, -ity, -ship, -er, -or and –hood}; it is placed after verb, adjective and noun. Meanwhile in Indonesian, it can be formed from four affixes, they are prefix, infix, circumfix and suffix such as {ke-, pe-, -el-, -er-, ke-an, pe-an, per-an, -an, -wan, -isme, -isasi, and –man}. It can be concluded that they have similarities in categories of the root; both English and Indonesian can be created from roots such as verb, adjective and noun and then they also have similarities in kind of affixes, both English and Indonesian derived nouns can be created from preffix and suffix. Besides they have differences; in English, derived nouns can only be formed with prefix and suffix but in Indonesian, it can not only be formed with prefix and suffix but it also can be done with infix and circumfix.

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